Hair Transplant – a boon not just for men but for women as well

Till about a few years back, there was a misconception in the society that hair transplants are only for men. It was beyond people’s thought that even women can go for hair surgeries. But gone are such days when women suffering from hair loss had to adjust with the condition and worry about what people in society would think. 

Now with modernization in medical science, the scenario is changing rapidly and the women of today are bold enough to consider advanced medical hair loss treatment. 

The cause of hair loss in women is mainly hereditary but hair loss can also be due to sedentary lifestyle. 

Here is the list of factors that causes hair loss in women. They are Pregnancy, stress, poor eating habits, unhealthy lifestyle, anaemia, thyroid, chemotherapy in case of cancer patients, medical illness etc. 

The pattern of hair loss in women also varies to that of men. Women evenly loose hair all over the central region of the scalp. According to some report, women experience behavioural changes as well because of hair loss. One can observe loss of confidence, inferior feeling, timidness, in the general public. 

FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction method for hair transplant in women is the most advanced and preferred one. The procedure is simple, painless and safe to perform. 

At Meeraz Clinic, a lot of women come and discuss hair concerns to regain their lost confidence. We are one of the best for hair transplants in Mumbai and our results are amazing. Our doctors will examine your entire scalp and then convey the number of grafts required to complete the treatment with positive results. We have a team of the best hair transplant doctor’s in Mumbai. Book an appointment with us to see the difference. 


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